12 months IPTV pack


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List price: 350.00
You save: 180.01
In stock
Image Quality:HD , FHD ve UHD
User Support:1 person at the same time
Adult Pack:Optional (Paid)
Number of Channels:Over 8000
VOD Channels:EN, FR, DE, TR, IT, NL
TV Series:Last chapters of current series

12 Month (1 year) iptv server packages;

Super leagues, vision movies, documentaries full of adventures, cartoons full of dreams and hot adult channels in only 1 package with high quality iptv service. We offer a 12 month (1 year) iptv server package that allows you to watch anytime, anywhere.

With a few clicks, you can buy a 12 month (1 year) iptv and quickly pay by credit card or other payment options and start tracking immediately. All you have to do is click the Add to Cart button and you will be able to make your payment by going to the cash register.

Image Quality:
User Support:
1 person at the same time
Adult Pack:
Optional (Paid)
Number of Channels:
Over 8000
VOD Channels:
TV Series:
Last chapters of current series

perfect service!

It is very stable and the image quality is really good. The short channel transition times also make a significant difference.

Good and speedy service. Thank you.

Really perfect provider!

Few minutes inside paid and now i watch channels. Thank you :)

IPTV out of all services has been the one that's been most easy to use for me. I love a convenient service that just works and IPTV offers all that, plus a great variety of things to watch!
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